Uber threats to leave Austria. Your chance to move!

Uber threats to leave Austria. Your chance to move!
Photo by Dan Gold / Unsplash

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Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos / Unsplash

In Austria, ride-hailing using technology like Uber are classified as car rental services. That means Uber Austria can currently set the price for all of their rides following their own company policy. One of the most stand-out pricing policies is its “Surge” pricing model which charges passengers more when the demand for vehicles is high. However, Uber has threatened to stop services in the country, saying it’s pulling out to avoid following new regulations aimed at leveling the playing field with taxis.

“If that comes, then a withdrawal cannot be eliminated,” said Uber chief executive Martin Essl with an ORF radio. “It is likely that we will not continue with this retrospective amendment.”

At present, the provinces regulate and fix taxi fares while Uber Austria can control their own pricing plan. The new law, which could pass in parliament as early as July and which would apply from September next year, provides that Uber Austria would have to apply the same tariffs as taxis.

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